10 Must-Do Winter Home Improvement Projects

Nov 30, 2022

Winter Home Projects

We’ve spent more time than usual in our homes over the last few years. You might have noticed things looking a little rough or needing updates. You might be looking to move into a new home. Our title company in Birmingham, AL is equipped to help you make it to the closing table, but if you aren’t quite ready, we’ve put together a list of home improvement projects you can tackle in the winter.

10 Must-Do Winter Home Improvement Projects

With winter on the horizon, your home may need some TLC. Many of these projects often get overlooked or put off, but you may want to go ahead and tackle them now. This list of 10 home improvement projects will keep you warm and cozy during long winter nights and help maintain the value of your home. Consistent maintenance keeps your home from having worse problems in the future that will damage your bank account as well as the roof over your head. 

1. Secure outdoor items

Sometimes outdoor equipment can be out of sight and out of mind. Take the time to properly clean and store power lawn equipment like mowers and weed eaters for the winter so they won’t have a problem in the springtime. Also, take care of your pool and any other equipment that can get damaged by cold weather. 

2. Inspect the foundation 

Cold and dry air naturally causes cracks to expand, so get a foundation repair contractor or masonry specialist to inspect your concrete and masonry. Since the cracks expand in this weather, they will be more noticeable and can be addressed more thoroughly. Scheduling regular foundation checks will help keep your home from being severely damaged due to allowing the cracks to get out of control. 

3. Fill in holes that cause drafts

Take the time to find and plug any holes in your home. These allow critters and wildlife that are seeking warmth to find refuge in your house. This also allows cold air in, forcing your heater to work overtime. Plugging these holes will help keep warm air in and unwelcome guests out.

4. Replace old plumbing fixtures

Winter is a great time to update plumbing as long as it’s not too far below freezing. This is the slowest season for plumbers, so you’ll probably have more flexibility when it comes to scheduling. New plumbing will use water more efficiently, so you’ll be able to save more money on your water bill too. This will ensure any damaged fixtures are replaced to prevent leaky faucets or running toilets that might increase the bill. Updating these fixtures can also provide more aesthetic appeal, especially if there is visible damage. 

5. Get energy-efficient lighting 

Winter is a great time to update dull and inefficient lighting. Hiring a licensed electrician to update old or outdated lighting fixtures with energy-efficient models will help reduce your utility bill. Also, take the time to replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs for extra efficiency. If you’re looking to sell at some point, updating these is a simple way to increase the value of your home. 

6. Update flooring

There are a few ways you can update your floors to make your home feel fresh and inviting. Schedule a deep clean to remove any stains or stubborn odors if you have carpeting. However, if your carpet is past the point of no return then updating with new carpet, hardwood, or tile or finding some area rugs can spruce up the area. When replacing flooring, be prepared to move furniture out of the way for the contractors and find something to do out of the house on the day of installation. The process can be noisy, and the adhesives do not smell great, so plan something fun to do away from the chaos.  

7. Install new windows and doors

Replacing windows and doors can boost resale value and curb appeal. It also fixes any issues you may have had with gaps that allowed heat out and insects in. Always hire an experienced and reputable professional. Improperly fitted doors and windows could seriously injure someone if they fall out. 

8. Organize for a new year

Prepare for the year ahead by purging your closets and cluttered spaces of items you don’t need or no longer want. Donating items is a great way to give back and gain some extra space in your home. With colder weather, you will most likely be spending more time inside. This is a great project to take on to curb boredom and get rid of overwhelming clutter. A clean space will inspire a fresh start mentally for the next year. 

9. Apply fresh paint

Have you noticed that your interior paint is outdated or dingy? Applying a fresh coat of paint can enliven your space and inspire creativity. Professional painters are busier in the warmer months so you shouldn’t have as many problems scheduling during the winter. 

10. Accentuate with tile

A sturdy material that can be used to accent a home as well as fortify it is tile. A tile backsplash in the kitchen adds character and protects the walls from water and grease damage. Although it can be more expensive as flooring compared to other options, it is incredibly easy to care for and more durable. Depending on the vision you have for your home, it may be well worth the investment to use tile instead of hardwood, especially in the laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms. 

Securing Your Title With Clarion Title  

Taking the time during winter months to update your home can be a welcome distraction from the lack of sun. If you are thinking of selling your home, these 10 renovations will boost the value of your home so that it will spend less time on the market. 

Whether you are moving into a new home or refinancing your current mortgage, our title company in Birmingham, AL can help you reach the closing table. Contact us today or order your title online.


This material is provided as a courtesy and for educational purposes only.  Please consult your title professional for specific information regarding your situation.

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